Thread hijacking

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Dec 17 00:35:47 UTC 2009

Odd wrote:
> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>> It would appear that only lists like ubuntu-users that seem to want
>> to discourage private/direct replies are setup otherwise.
> What's the point of a mailing list if private/direct replies should be
> the norm?

It is a bit of a stretch to go from 'discourage private/direct replies' 
to 'private/direct replies should be the norm'. But I will bite anyway.

I guess that the original intent of a mailing list is to enable one to 
send an email to people of similar interests/a community/whatever reason 
for mailing list. Then one finds that it is also a convenient tool for 
'group discussion.'

Guess which purpose would lead to a mailing list that is setup to mess 
around with the Reply-To: header like the ubuntu-users list?

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