Open Office Bug

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Dec 16 20:55:01 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 18:30 -0700, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> [snip]
>>     I just tested the OO 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 and see no change 
>> in the test and test.pdf I made with the OO and viewed with my 
>> usual pdf reader.
> Interesting. Did you test with the Test2.pdf from comment 28? When I
> export this, I sometimes get errors, sometimes not, but whenever I try
> to export one of my reports, I always get errors. Would you mind
> checking out the bug report again, and trying out the file I've left on
> my comment to see if you see any issues? The comment is #39:

	I got your report and the Export to PDF made it a 10 page 
PDF. I can only find a small change in the appearance of the 
tables, they lost the box around them but the data stays the same.

	I am happy with the pdf made from your file.

	I must say my first attempt at making the PDF it only got the 
first page. I deleted that and the second attempt got all pages.

	The is broken again. There was no way for 
me to write this under your bug report. This again is the OO 
that was in Ubuntu 9.10 when it was loaded with whatever 
upgrades it might get.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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