9.10: Grub -> LVM / mdadm hook not found after kernel update

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de
Wed Dec 16 20:32:02 UTC 2009

16.12.2009 20:44, Denny Schierz:

> again i have the problem, that i can't boot my system with the latest
> kernel update 2.6.31-16-generic. The boot loader tells me, that hooks
> for lvm/mdadm are not found.

Is that the exact error message? Is it really Grub that tells you that?
Which Grub version?

> I have on boot partition and the system is on a raid1 (mdadm) and lvm
> inside.

> any suggestions?

I'd start with re-running update-initramfs for the new kernel and see if
that changes anything.


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