Horrible SAMBA problem, continued

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 00:04:56 UTC 2009

> Thanks to TomH for following up on my previous request
> (alas both my request and his response are on a
> different machine, since I'm currently out of town and
> desperate to get this problem solved when I get back).
> The issue is how to get a windows workstation to
> become a member of a domain using samba's "on the fly"
> addition. It would appear that some variant of NET
> JOIN would be the appropriate way to do this, but I
> can't figure out how it would be done. The MAN page of
> the NET command appears to suggest that the -I or -S
> command identifies a target server, which would be
> appropriate to use for a linux member server to join a
> samba domain, but I don't see an option to indicate
> that a server can invite a workstation to join. In
> looking at the windows side, I don't see an equivalent
> to net -S join that can enable a windows workstation
> to request an account on a samba domain. If memory
> serves, TomH indicated also that this was the case.
> Can somebody explain?

You're welcome.

I have deleted our earlier emails and do not have the time to look
them up in the archives at the moment.

I think that I said that you could join a Samba domain at the cli from
a Linux box with "net rpc join ..." and that you could create a
machine account while logged in to a Windows PDC with "net computer

If you want to create a machine account for a Windows box while logged
in to that box, you have to use the GUI ("Windows-Pause" then change
the "Computer name" settings to join a Domain rather than a
Workgroup). Or, and I have never tried it with a Samba PDC, use the
Windows cli tool "netdom" that may or may not be installed by default
on Win2kPro/XPPro/Win7someversion (I do not use them at home and they
have this at work but the builds are customized) but it is on the
install CD.

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