Thread hijacking

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Mon Dec 14 16:18:53 UTC 2009

On Mon, December 14, 2009 16:45, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> As a newcomeer to this list I'm intrigued to know whether the hijacking of
> threads is commonplace and accepted here. On other lists I know, any such
> behaviour is stamped on instantly, yet it keeps happening here with
> impunity.

Thread hijacking is frowned upon, and so is publicly commenting on thread
Iow, hijacking is an undesirable activity, but you won't see any public
humiliations of the hijacker, like you have probably have seen on other

The same can be said about the following activities:
* "please unsubscribe me"
* no subject
* top-posting
* full quotes when the original mail is looooong
* signatures longer than 3 lines (often with ASCII art)
* thread breaking
* direct replies (not to list)
* I'm probably forgetting some...

They are all violations against the letter or the spirit of the mailing
list etiquette, but the users that do those things are usually new users
that aren't even aware that there is such a thing as an etiquette.
So we don't hit them with the proverbial clue-by-four, we just gently
nudge them in the right direction. And if they don't follow the gentle
clues after a while, their unread mails will just hit the bit bucket...
(that's my personal policy)


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