
Res res at ausics.net
Mon Dec 14 09:49:06 UTC 2009

On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Justin Gruenberg wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:21 AM, Res <res at ausics.net> wrote:
>> genius, there is no such package
> packages.ubuntu.com isn't loading for me... but according to the
> google cached version, it's been at 0.1.1 (the version the originator
> had) since at least jaunty.
> $ aptitude show gnome-format
> Package: gnome-format
> State: not installed
> Version: 0.1.1-0ubuntu7
> Priority: optional
> Section: universe/gnome
> Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Uncompressed Size: 209k
> [...]

I'll stand corrected as I only use LTS and it is not in that, however this 
is incorporated into gnome now so is not needed if you have a current 
version of gnome,

>> Not really, perhaps she wants to use a modern feature of a program that is
>> not available in the version ubuntu distribute.
>> The thing about Linux is there is a little thing called 'choice' :)
> Sometimes its better to find out what they're really trying to do...
> I'll admit I didn't do too well.  But I sort of doubt the original
> author really wanted to download the source for the program, compile
> and install it when a package is available that will be maintained by
> the package system.  I could be wrong.

Why not? I remove half of the outdated crap that comes with ubuntu and use 
sources, my laptop and desktops havn't self destructed :)

However, since the OP is obviously new to Linux I'll agree with you, she 
should stick to the repos until familiar enough to try experiement by 
using source, but if she wants to try use it now, more power to her for 
wanting learn now rather than later.


"What does Windows have that Linux doesn't?" - One hell of a lot of bugs!

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