How I read a .wma file

HermanAA hermanaa at
Sat Dec 12 22:18:41 UTC 2009

I want to listen these files:
01 Track 1_8.wma  and  01 Track 1_9.wma (spoken text).
 (I Googled, read-up om .wma)

My system is: Ubuntu 8.10, default installation.
 MY program-source is Synaptic.

XMMS2 - wma decoder
This is a transitional package that depends on all plugins required for
decoding Windows Media Audio files with xmms2.

..........looks like a wrong choice (no codecs I guess).

Is this one better? : (Audacious)

small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats
Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports winamp skins
and many codecs.

In the default install, the following codecs are supported:

* MP3
* Ogg Vorbis
* AAC and AAC+
* Windows Media (WMA)
* Musepack
* Many module formats and much more!

Additionally, Audacious is extendable through plugins, and contains
other useful features like LIRC support and support for
I have an old XP installation that we (the kids and I) use maybe 3 times
a year. I dont mind making that 2 times.

I am in touch with the maker of this .wma file.
Should I suggest to use MP3 instead? (can Windows make MP3 Files as

..... or is this a long-solved problem (just install 'audacious')?

Herman in Philippines.

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