Backup Complete Hard Drive

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Dec 11 02:08:28 UTC 2009

> I have now used the backup and restore commands in Terminal with out any
> problems when it comes to files and directories, but the situation is
> that I can not back up the whole hard drive to a external hard drive
> complete.

> For Example to test the system I have placed jpegs onto desktop and
> executed a complete dump after I have used the restore command to place
> back all the data, that has worked but the desktop dose not show or
> replace the files that I have deleted as a test.

> What I mean is do a complete system back up onto a external hard drive,
> erase or format the original and place back all directories and files as
> it was originally.

In order to back up a drive with the dump command that you posted
yesterday and to restore the drive with the command that I posted
back, the disk that you are dumping from or restoring to must not be

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