Karmic screensaver asks for password (solved)

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Thu Dec 10 16:42:29 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Laura" == Laura Conrad <lconrad at laymusic.org> writes:

    Laura> Since I upgraded my laptop to 9.10 a couple of days ago,
    Laura> the screensaver keeps asking for my password when I come
    Laura> back.  I've tried to find where to tell it not to do that.
    Laura> I'm sure it used to be on one of the xscreensaver
    Laura> configuration screens, but I can't find it now.

I should have mentioned that the laptop runs Xubuntu.  There turns out
to be an xfce-powermanager, and that's what was set to lock the
screen.  Changing that setting fixed my problem.

Laura   (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

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