partition advice

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Dec 9 01:01:38 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Gary Kirkpatrick <pegngary at> wrote:
> I need help with partitions again.
> This Dell notebook came with 8.1 installed.  I do not want it any more.  I
> have 9.10 installed in both English and Spanish (so I can teach it here in
> Panama).   I just added the Spanish version.
> I do not know how to get rid of 8.10.   It is in SDA /1.  The Spanish
> version of 9.10 is in SDA5 (under sda1).  The English version of 9.10 is in
> sda/4.
> thanks
> gary

I know this will not sound helpful, but if you need to ask, there's a
fairly good chance that in trying to remove it, you will make your
system unbootable.

My suggestion would be:

Back up your documents and settings and start over.

Here is how I suggest you partition the drive:

[primary 20GB ext3 for the main root filesystem]
[extended partition for whole rest of drive
  [logical drive with other language version of Ubuntu if desired - 20GB ext3]
  [more logicals if you want 3 or more versions of ubuntu installed]
  [logical drive, all rest of space, for /home]
  [logical drive, 2x physical RAM, for swap]
[end of extended partition]

Liam Proven • Profile:
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