pulse audio networking

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 6 00:22:37 UTC 2009

On 12/05/2009 01:48 PM, Alan McKay wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 4:41 PM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> When you get to the stage that you want to output the sound from the
>> laptop to your system's speakers (or vs a vs) post back & I'll give you
>> the settings that I use to allow all of my test systems (without
>> speakers) to port their sound to my system with speakers attached.
> Well, I'm up and running again.  Been reading some of the pulse audio
> stuff but am not really sure what I'm doing yet :-)   Just copying 35G
> of data back over to my wife's laptop and installing Amarok (because
> that's the best app I've seen - too bad it has to load KDE :-( )
> Been playing with the Pulse Audio app on both ends and do not seem to
> be able to get them to see each other yet.

All are from PulseAudio Device Chooser;

1. Make sure that sound is working the target/main machine. Then open
Applications|Sound...|PulseAudio Device Chooser. Set the preferences:

o On the target, check
 - Show notifications for discovered sources
 - Start applet on sesson_login

o On the source, check everything except "Don't show notifications
during startup

2. On the target select 'Configure local sound server|Network Server'
and check everything except 'Make local sound...', then on Multicast/RTP
click only 'Enable Multicast/RTP receiver'.

3. On the sender select 'Configure local sound server|Network Access'
and check 'Make discoverable PulseAudio network sound devices available
locally', and on Multicast/RTP: Enable Multicast/RTP receiver, sender,
and 'Create separate audio device for Multicast/RTP.

Note: you'll need to ensure that both machines are on the same subnet to
test without more details.

4. On the sender; Default Server should eventually pick up the target -
it will be above 'Default' and 'Other'. Click on the target & test by
playing a sound file (rhythmbox works just fine). You can adjust the
sound levels etc., by Volume Control & the sender can go back to their
own speakers by deselecting the discovered server & selecting the
default server (you'll need to stop & restart the app (rhythmbox etc)
for the changes to take effect.

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