[ubuntu-users] Ubuntu 9.04 and Firefox browser

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Mon Aug 31 21:34:05 UTC 2009

> ...then I realized that my present Ubuntu 
> upgrade is 8.04 up from 7.10 and I have received no automatic upgrade 
> yet to 9.04. Is 9.04 considered a stable release and if so why would my 
> Ubuntu 8.04 not be automatically upgraded?

Just a shot in the dark: 8.04 is an "LTS" release, so the update
manager probably is set to upgrade only to the next LTS (which will
probably be 10.04). You can have a look under
System->Administration->Softawre Sources, under the tab "Updates", at
the bottom you can select if you want to be notified of ach of every
release (every 6 months), or only LTS releases. Make sure that the
combo box is set to "Normal Releases", then launch the update manager
(or just a few hours or a day, for it to automatically trigger), and it
should do thje trick I would think...

Note that if you have 8.04, you will not be able/offered to upgrade to
9.04. YOu will have to upgrade to 8.10 first, then to 9.04. The upgrade
mechanism can only handle shifts from one version to the next, or one
LTS to the next LTS.


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