Problem system>admin>users and groups

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sun Aug 30 19:15:38 UTC 2009

Christopher Lemire wrote:
> I improved your wrapper script about 5 times Andrew. 
> ------Original Message------
> From: Andrew Farris
> Sender: ubuntu-users-bounces at
> To: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
> ReplyTo: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
> Subject: Re: Problem system>admin>users and groups
> Sent: Aug 30, 2009 1:50 PM
> firstly, Please reply at the bottom of your email, it makes it easier to
> follow the conversation. thanks :)
>> On 30/08/2009, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>> 2009/8/30 ashwin1711 <ashwin1711 at>:
>>>> but do you know how do i take back my real id and home in ubuntu
> I'm still not entirely sure what you did, but it sounded like you just
> deletes your home folder. If this is the case, then only a data recovery
> software will get it back for you. First, follow Colin's directions in
> his reply, and see if that works for you. If you confirm that your home
> folder is indeed missing, then perhaps somebody can help walk you
> through using a data recovery software.
>>> First logon as whoever you can and see if your home folder is still
>>> there (/home/aswin, or whatever your username was).  If it is then
>>> take a backup copy of it as insurance.
> On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 21:52 +0530, ashwin1711 wrote: 
>> Thank you for your help.But when I log in with my real name ashwn then
>> the black screen comes up and it never go and the whole system stop...
> As Colin pointed out in his reply (abbreviated above), log in as
> whatever user you can, just to check and see if your home folder
> (i.e. /home/<your user name>) is still there. (go to "Places > Computer
>> Filesystem > home" and see if there's a folder in there w/ your old
> username (the broken one). if the folder IS there, check to see if it's
> not empty. report back with your findings)
	Everyone adds another take on what is wrong. If you look at the title 
it says he has a problem with his Admin->Users and Groups panel. Once he 
said he got that up and he deleted what was there and then added himself 
as a super user. He has never, to my knowledge told us what version of 
Ubuntu he is using, making help hard to give.

	But if he is using 9.04 then it is easy to fix.

	Step 1: delete all in the panels.
	Step 2. Add this users: Name   Login name Home directory
                                 root   root         /root
                                 ur name ur name     /home/ur name

That is all, period!

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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