Ubuntu 9.04 dual boot on Samsung NC10

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Sun Aug 30 19:01:15 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 16:50 +0100, Richard & Barbara Awbery wrote:
> Thanks Tony - In between writing the first email, I have reinstalled Ubuntu 
> and the original problem has now gone.  However, I am now left with what 
> looks like multiple instances - e.g in the grub start up file it show 
> versions on SDA5 and SDA 7 - how do I get rid of these unwanted versions?

Please bottom post. Thanks!

Does ubuntu boot when you try to boot from both options? If it doesn't,
then just remember which one doesn't work, and remove that entry from
your "/boot/grub/menu.lst" file.

When you re-installed Ubuntu, how did you do it? If you installed it
over the old version, then you can probably safely ignore the multiple
versions. and just delete it from your "/boot/grub/menu.lst" file., as i
suggested above. If you're unsure, please return the output of "sudo
fdisk -l" so we know how your partitions are arranged. Additionally,
please explain how you think this net-book is supposed to be setup (i.e.
is it dual-booting? does it only have Ubuntu? do you have a
separate /home? If both the sda5 & sda7 boot options yield a bootable
system, which one is the one that doesn't have the original problem?)

Hope that helps.

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