MSI: Don't buy our webcam

Derek Broughton derek at
Sat Aug 29 14:39:24 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> Instead of yelling around about the bad support of MSI you could use
>> your time to provide information to the community about your cam.

That's a pretty odd comment to make about Dotan, who clearly spends more 
time helping than yelling.  You don't get around this group much, 

> What would the community tell me that three days of googling and
> experimenting with differing, often outdated solutions with often
> abandoned won't? I'm one of those idiots who tries to STFW first. But
> in any case, just to cover all my ground, I did ask on the
> Linux-UVC-Devel mailing list:
>> - lsusb shows the vendor:product ID, good to know
> Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0c45:60fc Microdia PC Camera with Mic (SN9C105)

I _really_ hate to point out the obvious, Dotan, but I usually find googling 
the device ID works well, and googling: "0c45:60fc Microdia" gives me which 
seems to have a solution.

Which still, in no way excuses Microdia's support.

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