MSI: Don't buy our webcam

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Fri Aug 28 14:22:51 UTC 2009

> You were likely talking to someone in India that does not know anything
> about the product other than what they have rehearsed.

I doubt that. I have spoken with enough Indians and Panamanians in
dealing with Dell that I know Indian English. I know American English
as well and that MSI rep was an American or lived enough time in the
US to fool me. And I am not American, by the way, but Middle Eastern,
so I have no culture bias here.

> I don't think
> they mean to be rude but when you get beyond their list of answers they
> are reluctant to say much for fear of saying the wrong thing and getting
> in trouble.  I agree   that is a lack of response and all these
> companies want to do is unload  your questions or complaints   to some
> place where they don't want to hear about it.

I asked him to defer my concern to a body with more authority, he
refused and likely lied to me as well.

> The companies that make
> that stuff generally don't know anything about Linux, they have no idea
> about linux drivers and what is avilable.  If you can't get these
> answers in the Linux community you likely won't get them.  There just
> aren't enough Linux users for them try to cater to us.  There isn't
> enough money in it.   Take heart it's getting better.

I see your point. As I would like to communicate with distant family
with a webcam, which operating system would you recommend that makes
that easy for me, a simple user, to do?

It is our responsibility as a community to contact these companies and
express interest in Linux support. Surely they will not support Linux
if we _don't_ express interest.

Dotan Cohen

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