Video and sound driver problems [was: please help me .]

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Aug 28 06:47:41 UTC 2009

soumabho banerjee wrote:
> 1. i cant change my screen resoluton over 800*600 in ubuntu.

Can you tell us which video card is in your machine? Without knowing 
this detail we can't help.

> 2. i cant install my vidieo or sound drivers from my mother bord cd
> though i have the linux drivers.

Can you tell us what sound hardware is in your machine? Maybe this page 
has some hints for your sound problem:

How did you try to install those drivers? Are the drivers for Ubuntu? 
What filenames are the drivers? Maybe there are only drivers for RPM 
based systems or maybe the drivers are very outdated?


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