8.04 server latest updates

Fred Roller froller at tnclimited.com
Thu Aug 27 19:02:39 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 14:47 -0400, Verde Denim wrote:
> All
> I ran the updates this morning for 8.04 LTS server on my 64-bit Ubuntu
> system this afternoon, which required a restart.
> I have the print and video back up, but for some reason, networking is
> caput.
> ifconfig shows the eth0 interface as up, but pings to other systems,
> the router, and (of course) outside fails.
> Any input as to where to hunt this down is most appreciated.
> Regards
> Jack

Is the card configed for static or dhcp?  I can bring up a static set
card with no cable.  I would double check your network settings and if
you have multiple nics on the machine I have known the nics to "swap"
their eth* assignment.  i.e the second nic (eth1) with no cable would be
assigned to the active eth0 configure.  To fix that last one, just turn
off the second nic in bios if you don't need it.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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