Doug Saylor slowertraffickeepright at
Thu Aug 27 03:35:44 UTC 2009

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: art <artmartz at>
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Subject: Re: PROBLEM SOLVED (was: THIS SUCKS! 3G problems)
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 22:48:56 -0400
> I do have "art ALL=NOPASSWD:
> ALL" at the end of my sudoers file so it just executes the command. The
> only other issue I've run into is networkmanager getting the dns entry
> correct.

Got the rest, but you lost me on these last two. Please elaborate if you would. This looks like another good learning experience here.

> Look at in the section
> where it says Build dependencies:  Signing key:	1024R/EF2A6AFA (What is
> this?), click of the what is this link, and follow the directions that
> open above the link.

Got it!
> It seems to work reasonably well for me.

Your meter isn't showing 100%? Mine is. I'm not getting even close to that in XP

> look at note One. Also,, the
> section about qcserial and kernal 2.6.30. 

"You also need the qcserial driver. This is included in kernels 2.6.30 and later." <--this isn't the best English, one COULD read this to say needing the qcserial driver is a statement on it's own. Can that driver be obtained & used in the current kernel? Just because the qcserial driver is "included" in 2.6.30, does that make it the ONLY way to obtain & use said driver? Not challenging anything here, just wondering out loud. I'll take your word for it if you want to leave it at that ;-) 

> I'm about the same, although I'll probably keep the XP just for support
> issues, although I'll rarely use it.

I'll dual boot as well, probably always. Heck XP was a necessary part of the solution to this problem! I've got about 25 Gigs tied up in the recovery partition & XP itself... it isn't causing any trouble! I'm not an MS basher anyway, it has it's place & is amazing at times! 

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