art artmartz at
Thu Aug 27 02:48:56 UTC 2009

Doug Saylor wrote:
> FINALLY... I'm 3Ging! WOW, what a struggle, but I'm here finally!
Good, I see my other messages aren't needed now. Didn't see you switch 
the subject line.

  I still don't know how to enter the above line as a start-up
  application though, hopefully you can explain that one a bit better?
Preferences>Startup Applications>Add  I put a name Qualcomm (strictly 
cosmetic), a helpful comment (Create the tty for the 3G modem), and 
paste in the command "sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x05c6 
product=0x9212" in the command box. As long as the firmware is loaded, 
it'll make the tty for you when you boot. I do have "art ALL=NOPASSWD: 
ALL" at the end of my sudoers file so it just executes the command. The 
only other issue I've run into is networkmanager getting the dns entry 

  Also I need to figure out what needs to be entered so that I don't get
  the "error: jaunty Release: The following
  signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
  available: NO_PUBKEY FA21D20DEF2A6AFA".
Look at in the section 
where it says Build dependencies:  Signing key:	1024R/EF2A6AFA (What is 
this?), click of the what is this link, and follow the directions that 
open above the link.

  Also, is there any way to get the signal meter to show correct?
  Right now it shows 100% signal.
It seems to work reasonably well for me.

  I'm REALLY grateful for the help you've given me!
  So the October ver of UNR will make the fireware sticky huh?
  That will be a nice addition.
look at note One. Also,, the 
section about qcserial and kernal 2.6.30. Now you know as much as I do. 
  We'll see, I guess.
  Now I only have TWO reasons for XP, GPS & to load firmware.
I'm about the same, although I'll probably keep the XP just for support 
issues, although I'll rarely use it.

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