Thunderbird e-mail problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Aug 25 11:38:00 UTC 2009

GaryT wrote:
> Xandros Pilosa wrote:
>> I would first:
>> *check permissions and ownership on your profile folder (how did you 
>> make the backup? - some backup tools may change perm./own. and also 
>> moving files to another file systems can do that - how did you restore 
>> your back. - not with sudo, by any chance?)
> Prior to reformatting the disk and reinstalling Ubuntu, the backup was a
> straight copy to a USB mass storage device.
> Like the backup, the "restore" was a straight copy into the
> .mozilla-thunderbird MAIL folder.
> Previously T-Bird saw the files and adopted them - not this version.
> This version is quite different - new features - new menu items etc.
> and I'm suspecting, new mail file structures.
> GT
    I have done it my way to the thunderbird for Jaunty from a Hardy 
computer and it works right now.

73 karl

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