Help with 3G

art artmartz at
Tue Aug 25 04:38:54 UTC 2009

Doug Saylor wrote:
>> I assume you're using KDE, since you said you were using kppp... I've
>> never had to work with this, but from some experience with my friend's
>> 3G card plugin...under gnome-ubuntu, he's never had to do anything with
>> his AT&T card... just plug it in, and say 'connect to 3G' in the network
>> manager. is there any reason why you can't do this on the kubuntu
>> equivalent?
>> --
>> Andrew
> I'm using Gnome... I read about kppp so I tried it. That is my only tie to kppp!
I'm using modemmanager in conjunction with networkmanager for the 3g 
modem in my Acer Aspire.

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