Prevent sleep during ssh session

Tim Frost timfrost at
Mon Aug 24 06:52:28 UTC 2009


On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:30 -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Siggy Brentrup
> <ubuntu at> wrote:
>         On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 14:38 -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
>         > I'm connecting to a remote Jaunty machine via ssh.  Problem
>         is the
>         > machine goes to sleep after a while.  Is there a way to
>         prevent or
>         > disable this from the command line while I've got an ssh
>         session
>         > open?
>         If you are the owner of that box, you can easily configure it
>         not to
>         go asleep  System -> Preferences -> Power Management.
>         If you are not the owner you have to live with his likings but
>         you
>         may ask to disable sleeping.
> I mean when I ssh in remotely (w/o running VNC or any kind of Remote
> Desktop) I want to prevent it from going into sleep mode during the
> ssh session.
> I know I can change the power management options via the GUI.  I'm
> talking about via an ssh session. 

Your SSH session is dependent on the power settings of the remote
machine, its power supply state, and whether the console (keyboard and
mouse INPUT) of that remote machine is active or not.  The definition of
'inactive' is 'NO INPUT on keyboard or mouse', which means that network
traffic and CPU activity do not influence the decision to put the PC to


> -- 
> Bill Moseley
> moseley at
Tim Frost <timfrost at>
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