vcr file

Steve Reilly sfreilly at
Sun Aug 23 21:54:10 UTC 2009

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> I'm looking for some help and am willing to pay a reasonable price.  I 
> have a lot of video on a DVD  in ATI's proprietary VCR format.  The old 
> computer I wrote it on went up in smoke a good while back.  I would like 
> to convert it to mpeg 2 or some other format that I can work with In 
> Cinelerra. If someone here has a computer with ATI software for an ATI 
> video board I would be willing to pay them to convert this video file 
> for me.  I am told that it is some kind of old mjpeg file that has been 
> modified.
>                                                                         Doug

...ah, the horrors of proprietary software.....  i read an old forum
post that this should work  maybe itll work
in wine?


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