
Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Aug 21 09:40:12 UTC 2009

>> If you (Rakotomandimby) mean multicasting, Michael is right; the
>> ifconfig and /etc/network/interfaces setups are not relevant. Your
>> Ubuntu box is a multicasting client by default (avahi-daemon is
>> started up by default). If you want your box to be a multicasting
>> server, you have to have avahi-daemon running, have to enable it to be
>> a server in "/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf", and define its service(s)
>> in "/etc/avahi/services/".
> Huh? What does avahi (a network service locator) have to do with
> multicasting (the ability to send TCP/IP packets to a single address and
> have them received by multiple clients connected to the same multicast
> address)? Avahi simply _uses_ multicasting - it doesn't enable it.


Agreed, most people will have avahi-daemon set up as a
multicasting/service-locator client.

However, it can also be configured to publish a service.

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