Computer problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Aug 21 06:33:39 UTC 2009

Jay Daniels wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 16:32 -0600, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> I am about to say to heck with all this crap! It is just too hard to 
>> make your own computer. I need to buy the latest and best HP computer 
>> and load Linux on that, if even THAT is possible these days. For sure 
>> the warranty will be null and void :-)
>> 73 Karl
> Karl, I have built several systems over the years and usually order the
> motherboard with matching processor and memory from same source.  Even
> comes with the processor, fan and memory installed into the board.
> search google for barebones systems
> hope that helps,
> jay
    I am really upset with They let me order the cpu with 
no problem at all. But just now I decided to track the order. That said 
"stocking order". I went to my checkout and NOW it says "out of stock".

    This darn cpu chip is un-available!!!

73 Karl

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