flash applets stop working after loading another page

Robert Wall robertlikesturtles at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 18:15:20 UTC 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Ryan Pugatch<rpug at tripadvisor.com> wrote:
> The .deb from Adobe's site does not work on Ubuntu x64. :(

There's an alpha test 64-bit plugin in Adobe Labs that I've found
useful (and stable) in the past:. To install it for your user account:

1) Download it from the link at the bottom of
2) Open your home folder, show hidden files (Ctrl-H in GNOME
Nautilus), enter the ".mozilla" folder.
3) Create a new folder in ".mozilla" and name it "plugins"
4) Open the .tar.gz file you downloaded in (1) and drag the
"libflashplayer.so" file it contains into the plugins folder
5) Restart firefox

Robert Wall <robertlikesturtles at gmail.com>
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