Computer problem

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Thu Aug 20 01:34:00 UTC 2009

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 18:48:35 -0500
Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at> wrote:

> Karl said:

> >     I am about to say to heck with all this crap! It is just too
> > hard to make your own computer. I need to buy the latest and best
> > HP computer and load Linux on that, if even THAT is possible these
> > days. For sure the warranty will be null and void :-)  
> Its frustrating sometimes...but I still wouldn't say it's too hard.
> If anything, making your own computer has gotten easier in the past
> years, and will probably continue to get easier. Theres
> just...hiccups...sometimes. 

I fully agree with that.  Karl, a small problem shouldn't put you off
of building your own.  Heck, even if you ruin one or two it will still
be less expensive in the long run, plus, you will have new skills

Elder Daughter built her own (with a just a little help) a couple of
years ago and now has built several for her friends with no help at
all.  Keep at it, you /will/ get there.

...and you might notice that I'm not slamming you.  I admire your
perseverance.  You go, big guy!  Build on!

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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