Computer problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Aug 19 21:03:06 UTC 2009

Mark Haney wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     Not having a cpu fan makes me not leaving things turned on much of 
>> the time. Do these things remind you of anything? I am stopped at the 
>> moment :-)
>> 73 Karl
> Are you certain you're plugging in the CPU fan in the right spot?  Since
> you didn't mention the exact MB I can't say for certain, but is it
> possible you're hooking it to the right connector?
> Typically if you aren't getting video (I'm assuming it's on board video
> since you didn't mention a video card) that's always been a sign to me
> that the MB is grounding out on a mount somewhere.
> It /could/ be a bad MB, bad CPU, bent CPU connector (back in the old
> days) or some such, but I've seen more electrical grounds, than bad
> hardware.  Make sure there's metal on metal connecting the MB to the case.
    I am checking further and find that the big chip AMD 780G on the 
mother board is getting quite warm quickly. I fear this is where the 
power is going that should run the cpu fan. I looked up the chip and it 
does all the video and audio and reads the mouse and the keyboard. I 
think this is a failure I can't fix.

73 karl

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