cdrom will not mount

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Aug 18 22:51:29 UTC 2009

Wade Smart wrote:
> Kenneth Loafman wrote:
>> Douglas Pollard wrote:
>>> Wade Smart wrote:
>>>> I put a cd in the drive and no icon comes up.
>>>> I went to Places > Computer clicked on cdrom and it says cdrom not 
>>>> mounted. So I click mount and the it says no media in drive.
>>>> This drive was working - not that it couldnt just break - but is there 
>>>> something I could check before sending it back?
>>>> wade
>>> Sorry guys I just tried mine again after several days and the drives work.
>> Ah so, The Mechanics Syndrome:  take a car to the shop with a problem
>> and as long as the mechanics are looking at it, it won't reveal itself,
>> remove the mechanics and it comes back.  Happens with computers as well.
>> ...Ken
>   Ah, I hate that syndrome. :D
> When I put in any cd-r/w type cd - it says blank cd - whether anything
> is on it or now. When I put in ANY cd that is commercial - it says there
> is no media. I think its hardware related so Im sending it back.
> Wade
> At the rate your getting your computer to work it will be perfect in 2019 :-) 
73 Karl

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