Ubuntu's notion of free documentation ?

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Tue Aug 18 10:58:52 UTC 2009

Siggy Brentrup <ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de> writes:

> Hi List,
> catching up to current status in the OSS World (my TO: 5y), I'd like
> to know what's Ubuntu's position is regarding the GFDL, do you follow
> Debian who deemed it as devil's work around '04 

They don't, but they consider documentation that contains parts you are
not allowed to change to not meet the DFSG. It was in 2006, see

> or do you accept immutable parts in Documentation?
> I read
>   http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing
> and although not explicitely mentioned I understand that GFDLed docs
> may go into main.

Yes, see e.g. aspell-doc


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