jaunty slow on laptop

Jayson Williams williams.jayson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 19:54:22 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Jayson
Williams<williams.jayson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jesus man, why don't you go back in time and install twm and run term
>> and xclock, yuck!
>> Really, I found fluxbox unusable and font size was inconstant between
>> themes.  Makes me remember how awful X started out.
>> Gnome or even KDE is light-years ahead of fluxbox.  Sure the screen
>> shots of flux on the web "look" good, but it's not what you think.  Just
>> another reason to not ditch ctrl+backspace!
> Not to hijack the OP thread, but I guess in the end it boils down to
> what you want your system to be able to do. All the eye candy of Gnome
> was great, but the steady decline in performance was not worth it for
> me. Could have been my ineptness in configuring Gnome, but why should
> I have to be a guru to make my display manager behave the way I want
> it to. Not sure when you last had a look at fluxbox, but in my
> opinion, fluxbox does with simplicity what it says it will do. Three
> or four configuration files that clearly control the look and feel of
> everything. If your want the eye candy thing, gdesklets offers a
> plethora of options. Fluxbox takes a small bit of getting use to, and
> I was not a fan when I first tired it out. But after being frustrated
> with Xfce and Gnome, (admittedly I have never given KDE a whirl),
> Fluxbox allowed me to configure everything exactly the way I wanted
> it, with no surprises. As an added bonus, my login time dropped from
> almost 20 seconds to about 5 seconds.  If your priority is fancy
> transitions, animated icons and all the other compiz like bells and
> whistles, Fluxbox may not be for you (although you can do most of that
> in Fluxbox as well). But if your priority is efficiency, speed and
> complete yet simple control of your window managers configuration,
> then I would highly recommend Fluxbox 1.1.1.
> Its not just for cavemen anymore : )

...and my apologies once again to the OP.
I use to think I was all about function an cared little about
eye-candy. Then I had a look at KDE4. Wow! FluxWhat? KDE4 rocks. Jay
your were right. I was profoundly wrong!


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