Oddity with K3B in 9.04_64

Fred Roller froller at tnclimited.com
Fri Aug 14 16:09:50 UTC 2009

I had an issue with K3b not starting for some reason.  Turned out to be
a permissions issue with ~/.kde. 

vbox test system, 9.04_32, did not even create the ~/.kde directory and
runs fine (except no burner in vbox).

I did purge k3b from the original system and reinstalled fresh with the
same error:

trying to create local folder /home/froller/.kde/share/config:
Permission denied
trying to create local folder /home/froller/.kde/share/config:
Permission denied
trying to create local folder /home/froller/.kde/share/config:
Permission denied
trying to create local folder /home/froller/.kde/share/config:
Permission denied
Fixed the issue with:
chown -R froller:froller ~/.kde

which gave ownership to my user from:

drwx------  3 root root    4096 2009-08-14 11:22 .kde

and seems to have cleared things up.  Question is, does anyone have any
insight on this problem?
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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