Best cheap laptop for linux?

Steve Lamb grey at
Fri Aug 14 11:46:51 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> Oh my... yet another that sends 1 or 2 line replies with a 12 line "I'm
> a GnuPG/Enigmail'ier sig:

     AKA, someone who is aware of security issues.

> Mohamad, *Please* turn this *off* when replying to this list. *Nobody*
> on the list: 1) cares if you are just learning to use GnuPG/Enigmail, 2)
> will reply to your mail list post to you and the rest of the list via a
> secure response.

     I care and will reply.  And will consider this due reminder to get my GPG 
working on TBird again.  When I was using KMail it worked fine and, amazingly, 
you didn't complain about me using it.  I dare say there's a good chance my 
first PGP key is older than some people on this list much less the time most 
on this list have spent on the 'net.  Just because *you* choose to be childish 
about an acceptable, and long-standing, security practice doesn't mean 
everyone on the list is.

          Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
        PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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