jaunty slow on laptop

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Wed Aug 12 16:29:58 UTC 2009

Robert Holtzman wrote:
> Just installed Jaunty on my Dell Latitude (1.8 GB Pentium, 1 GB RAM) and 
> can't believe how slow it is. 3-5 second delay between clicking to 
> expand xterm and when it expands, 2 second delay when using the up or 
> down arrows to scroll, Mutt so slow responding to commands that at times 
> I think it's frozen and have to bail out, even Alpine has a noticeable 
> hesitation. Scrolling with the mouse wheel or the scroll bar is jerky 
> and skips with the previously mentioned delay. Has anyone else 
> experienced this or is the Holtzman Luck rearing it's head again?
Hi Robert,

Have you disabled any/all desktop effects?


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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