Setting Thunderbird message Length

GaryT taig at
Tue Aug 11 05:59:36 UTC 2009

Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> 08/10/2009 04:59 PM, GaryT:
>> Might be a setting in Thunderbird?
>> Any ideas.
>> No, cannot send from WebMail either.
> Might be your ISP.

Thinking about that possibility only gave me headaches, Rakotomandimby.  
Too scary for words.

When you view it in that light, you begin to ask how could someone at my 
ISP interfere with activity
at the other WebMail server, which is on the other side of the world.  I 
have a family Domain that runs
through that one and have used its WebMail facility at odd times over 
the past 12 years.

No, I don't want to go there. Few companies would have the resources needed.

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