Access to Linux (ext3) & Windows (FAT32) partitions (from Ubuntu 9.04)

Jay Mistry jaylinux53 at
Tue Aug 11 04:04:02 UTC 2009

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Heike C. Zimmerer <nospam08q2 at>wrote:

> Jay Mistry <jaylinux53 at> writes:
> > AFAIK 'fdisk' should be part of the default bash shell commands. I alos
> > tried looking into the Package Manager for fdisk related packages &
> > installed them. But this also doesnt work.
> fdisk is part of the base installation.  It has nothing to do with bash
> except the usual place to run it is in a terminal and from a bash
> prompt.
> fdisk is located in /sbin.  Since /sbin is usually not in a user's
> $PATH, this means you have to run it as root (e.g., from sudo) or
> explicitly call it as /sbin/fdisk, or include /sbin into your $PATH.
> Heike

Running sudo /sbin/fdisk -l gave the HD & partition output. (On Fedora 10, I
do not have to su - to root, just fdisk -l as normal user gives the proper

The result of "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" is at

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