flash stopped working after update?!
Karl F. Larsen
klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 23:40:23 UTC 2009
Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Sun, 8/9/09, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> From: NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>
>> Subject: Re: flash stopped working after update?!
>> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 10:13 AM
>> On 08/08/2009 08:48 AM, Leonard
>> Chatagnier wrote:
>>> Sorta thought that and is why I tried plain text
>> again. What about
>>> all the list complaints about using HTML which to me
>> looks great?
>> Plain text seems to be working on this one, so whatever
>> you're doing,
>> keep doing it :-) Now if we can just get you to limit
>> your posts to
>> less than 80 columns...
> I am not doing anything except using Yahoo web mail and occasionally changing from/ to rich text/ plain text.
>>> Also, where did you come up with "adobe-flashplugin"
>> as it's not in
>>> my repos???
>> Partner repos. See my followup to Karl in the original
>> thread.
If your referring to me I know nothing about "flash stopped working
after update". I have all the updates to date for Hardy. Even those for
adobe reader 9, which I never use.
Karl K5DI Ham
> Sorry, but I do have that repo in software sources(archives.canonical.com/ ubuntu jaunty partners) as I suspect Karl does. Everything Karl says he has so do I. Also, There is no Adobe-flashplugin in my downloads even after aptitude updating and I do get a hit on the canonical entry. Aptitude search or show doesn't show it, locate doesn't show it, etc, etc. I also have r32 in my about:plugins and I'm feeling for Karl's plight as it is mine too. I also don't have that mozilla adove-flashplugin dir that you mentioned(I erased the post so not exact but be sure I looked for the one you listed). Something is very amiss here; are you sure your talking about the 64 bit and not the 32 bit software that Karl and I both have? The only flashplugin that works for me is the one that has "npwrapper" in the path file name which I think means it's 32 bit requiring ia32libs and npwrapper to be installed. I think I remember that flashplugin has a 64 bit version but
> if so, Karl and I haven't installed or set it up yet. Maybe with my viewpoint added you can see where we are going wrong. Hope so anyway.
>> If you've read the OPs reply you see he hasn't it
>>> either. This prob been covered before but I must
>> have forgotten;
>>> getting easier for me every day. Just last
>> night, i was using my 3'
>>> level to set up my new Modern bush hog and as soon as
>> I finished I
>>> started cutting the pasture. Today that level is
>> nowhere to be
>>> found. Think I might have left it on the cutter deck
>> when I finished
>>> the set up-:o)) I definately was perturbed and in a
>> hurry as I had
>>> called out the dealers shop folks because, I had no
>> manual, the PTO
>>> safety cover was disconnected and the PTO hit the top
>> of the deck
>>> when I lifted the cutter assembly using the 3 point
>> hitch. That is
>>> enough to piss of any farmer just in case a city boy
>> doesn't unde
>>> rstand the lingo-:o)) I'l prob ably find the
>> lever somewhere out in
>>> the pasture.
>> Or in the barn where you left it. :-) You sound like my
>> wife who always
>> asks if I've seen her cellphone; I just look at her... call
>> her phone &
>> laugh as she goes off to answer it.
> Please call my level on your cell phone. I've looked for it in the pasture and it's still lost-:o))
> BTW, am I still sending long lines on this one. Wish we could find a solution as I much rather use web mail.
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Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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