linux download

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Aug 9 06:09:43 UTC 2009

donatella.parodi wrote:
> I can't get linux download.

Can you explain where there is a problem? Can't you download the CD 
image or can't you boot from the CD after burning the image? If you 
can't download the image you may request a CD at 
<> and if you can't boot, check that you have 
set your BIOS to boot from CD and that you have burned the CD as an ISO 
image <>.

> I'm trying to put it on an old computer (
> windows-me; Intel Inside-celeron). can I succeed to get it?

Depends on the specs of the machine. If it has at least 256MB of RAM it 
should work. On some machines it is only possible to install from the 
alternate CD. OTOH, you may want to have a look at Xubuntu for a low 
spec machine <>.


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