Camera problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Aug 8 20:21:06 UTC 2009

Mike wrote:
> This is a repost:
> I am no longer able to import photos from my digital camera (Nikon 
> Coolpix 2100).
> I am using Ubuntu version 8.04.

	Well I too am using Hardy, but I do not have a Nikon Coolpix 2100 so
there is no way for me to try and cause the same error.

	Is this a movie camera or does it make single pictures? I have a good
still camera that provides me with large 10 megapixel files which it
puts on a nice 4 GB removable chip. I put this in my computer and
transfer the pictures to a directory.


 I have used this version in the past to
> import photos from my camera with no problem. Normally I store them in a
> folder called Pictures and file an arange them with F-Spot.
> The error I get is:
>     Error connecting to camera
>     Received error "Could not lock the device"
>     while connecting to camera
> Thanks - Mike


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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