question about /home on separate drive

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Aug 7 17:16:50 UTC 2009

Wade Smart wrote:

> I should have said I wanted to as the question differently then.
> If I ask the qu
> estion differently and see a better option, Ill
> take that option.
> But I didnt piggyback on the thread - as I started the thread.

Well, you're _always_ welcome to take a thread anywhere you want - I'm just 
pointing out that asking a new question (still piggybacking, even when you 
started the thread) is likely to not get as much response as you could get 
in a new thread.

Anyway, it seems we're not all understanding you to have asked the same 
question :-)

I said if you tried to install onto a partition that was already used, you'd 
just wipe it.  That would apply for the root partition, which afaik, you 
_must_ format.  If you mean you are going to install / somewhere else, and 
want to reuse /home, that should be ok (and doesn't overwrite _anything_ - a 
normal install won't put anything in /home, you have to create new users to 
do that).  Note that the same isn't quite true for partitions for mount 
points like /var and /usr which _will_ have new files overwriting any old 

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