
Fred Roller froller at
Fri Aug 7 11:46:36 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 20:26 -0400, komputes wrote:
> Today all the attention is on the Internet, but I feel that offline
> media is being left behind, since we assume everyone should be
> connected
> by now. Then again we can always make the counterpoint that wikipedia
> can be used offline if needed (see
> ). I
> feel
> bad that we don't have an encyclopedia CD/DVD for Linux, but perhaps
> they have outlived their usefulness.
> *sigh*
> -komputes

I agree, OP also doesn't seem to have access readily available and when
they do it will be dial-up.  Then again one could wget -m [site].
I will be interested in reading the above article.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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