question about /home on separate drive

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Fri Aug 7 01:00:52 UTC 2009

I think this will be much eaiser than what I was planning.


Registered Linux User: #480675
Linux since June 2005

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 19:53, Andrew Farris<flyindragon1 at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 19:04 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
>> I want to ask a totally different question.
>> Im installing the new 9.04 OS and when Im creating the partitions,
>> what if I choose from the very beginning the second hard drive with
>> my old /home partition on it. Would the new setup install the necessary
>> files for the new setup thus over ridding the similar ones from my 8.04 setup or
>> would it just not do that?
> I dont think it will overwrite them. If you just point the installer at
> an existing home partition, and start an install, so long as you don't
> say to format it, then it will leave everything just how it is.
> I've done this a few times before on friend's computers, and it always
> works just fine.
> --
> Andrew
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