very large partition

Dan Farrell dan at
Thu Aug 6 16:31:25 UTC 2009

On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:27:30 -0400
Jay Daniels <tux at> wrote:

> Years ago I had a problem with an ide drive.  It had plenty of space
> left but ran out of inodes.  This was a local news server with many
> smaller text files.
> Is this still an issue with larger modern hard drives?

The limitation is in the filesystem, not the hard drive.  Guessing 
the filesystem as ext2, the best explination appears to be a badly
configured install.  even ext2 shouldn't have such a problem, since it
can theoretically hold 10^18 files... that's a lot of news!  

anyway, i'm sure you'd never see the problem again.  

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