question about /home on separate drive

Fred Roller froller at
Wed Aug 5 02:10:42 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 19:58 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
> This is my current fstab:
> # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
> UUID=### /home  ext4 realtime 0 2
> I can just mark out the above and put
> UUID=###-of-old-partition /home ext3 realtime 0 2
> Is that correct?
> (first time doing this so, want to get it right :D)

  Will it work, yes, but you will lose config files from the new build.
May I offer this solution.

	mkdir /Data

change the current fstab home to /Data

# /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
UUID=### /home  ext4 realtime 0 2 -> UUID=### /Data  ext4 realtime 0 2
           ^                                     ^

make the change for the second drive
UUID=###-of-old-partition /home ext3 realtime 0 2

save fstab

boot into recovery mode and get to terminal.


	cp -a /Data/* /home/

	shutdown -r now (restart)

You should boot as normal with your old home directory mounted.
We boot to recovery mode for the copy so the system does not get
confused when it's config files are not where they were.;)
Hope this helps.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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