Skype not working in 9.04-Skype setup problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Apr 29 11:51:55 UTC 2009

H.S. wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> H.S. wrote:
>>> marc wrote:
>>>> Ah, this might be a clue. If you have Skype "automatically adjust my 
>>>> mixer levels" then you might find, as I did, that audio settings become 
>>>> screwed.
>>> Yes. I always uncheck that auto level option, otherwise the audio
>>> quality suffers in skype.
>>     Odd. I have to take back my claim that Skype works on 9.04 because 
>> while it comes up properly the audio on receive and send do not work. I 
>> checked the mixer and both mike and sound are turned on. I have VLC and 
>> it has lots of audio on 9.04.
>>     I will look at help and Google for some ideas. But I must say that 
>> Skype does NOT work on 9.04 without some additional sound fixes.
> As I mentioned in my other posts in this thread, for me it was just a
> matter of choosing the right device to be used for sound in and out in
> Skype's preferences ... provided that the devices in the machine itself
> are working (sufficient level, unmuted, etc.).
    Yes I got on my laptop with 9.04 and I clicked the little lite blue 
circle on the lower left edge of Skype and selected Options. There I 
selected Sound Devices. For Sound out on my laptop "pulse" worked fine. 
I just guessed for Sound in and it worked fine.

Now Skype works fine on Jaunty. There was no Jaunty problem, there was a 
setup Skype problem.


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