sshd and ftpd

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Apr 24 23:11:38 UTC 2009

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     This afternoon I decided to get ssh working between my big computer 
>> and my laptop. I did so and it works fine with a password. I fooled 
>> around but could not get it to work like ftp.
> What does this actually mean?  If you want a ftp-like file transfer
> mechanism, use sftp
> (
>> So I loaded ftpd on both computers and that works just as expected, put,get ect.
>> I recall that ftp is not as safe as ssh. I do not recall why.
> It transfers passwords (and everything else) in plain-text.
>> Should I do anything to protect my computers with ftpd running?
> No, you should stop using ftpd, since you have no existing (legacy)
> reason to use it.
> Matt Flaschen
ok Matt I will load sftp and see how that works.


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