Unhelpful Crap from Amedee

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 19:53:21 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:14 AM, Res <res at ausics.net> wrote:
> sorry, no sides here, only immature school kids do pathetic things like
> that, but anyhow, since you "side" with Karl, you also prove MG's tone
> is accepted here, as it was no worse then Karls juvenile response.
> but don't worry, many people see this lists' regular members as a bunch of
> hypocrites anyway, and have done for some time.

That pretty much describes just every person who has ever participated
in politics.

I have a big problem with the small minority of Elitists who belief
this group is theirs to dictate.  Its not, they don't make the rules
and have no right to impose any on anyone else.  It makes a mockery of
the philosophy upon which Ubuntu was founded and as a group concerned
with Ubuntu we must embody those philosophies.  Anything else is a
serious disservice to the Ubuntu user community and a major turn-off
for those who want to adopt the operating system.

Considering all that I know a great deal about Microsoft's unethical
business practices and tactics I'd almost suspect that some of the
Elitists in here are paid by them.  Its not a far fetched notion
because they've done it before (ie; SCO, ACL & ACT in Europe,
anti-Linux & anti-Apple trolls on Digg.com, paying off delegates in
the ISO to vote for OOXML, etc) many times and if they're doing it
here I wouldn't be at all surprised one bit.  They are indeed that
petty, so its quite believable.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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