Boot/Instalation problem

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Apr 19 13:53:21 UTC 2009

aadrijan at wrote:
> Hi, I am absolute beginner in Ubuntu (don't know programing), but I
> tried to install it.
> I did:
> -Downloaded Ubuntu,
> -checked md5sum, -
> -burnt cd,
> -Checked CD with Ubuntu CD Integrity option,
> -adjusted boot program to boot from CD/DVD player (as first prority)
> I thought, hey this is easy to install, but after few minutes orange
> bar while booting from CD just frozen at right side. I tried to press
> F6 to see the error ( to report what is the problem), but all I could
> do is to restart Windows.

You didn't tell us which Ubuntu version you tried to install. I would 
suggest you try the alternate version instead of the LiveCD version. 
Depending on the hardware it may be working better.


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