the infamous linux wifi monster strikes-wirechief, Leonard, and marc

marc gmane at
Sat Apr 18 11:37:45 UTC 2009

Robert Holtzman said...
> On Thu, 16 Apr 2009, marc wrote:
> > Robert Holtzman said...
> >
> > You've been served the IP, so you should be up and
> > running. Certainly your wireless is connected to the router. Are there
> > any lights on it to confirm? Else login to the router's admin and check.
> >
> > Try pinging your router (
> >
> > If that works then the problem is somewhere else. Gateway set-up?
> Thanks guys for the time you've taken with this
> Decided to reset the router and start over for the umpteenth time. It 
> now connects and I can access everything on the net as long as I don't
> enable encryption. The problem now is that after I enable encryption,
> either wpa or wpa2, the connection to the router is dropped and refuses
> to reconnect even though the correct key is shown. It doesn't help to 
> delete the key that is automatically shown on the wicd applet and
> re-enter it manually.
> One more thing I can't get around is that when using the web based
> configuration utility, when I set encryption and save the changes,
> it fails to return to the configuration window. I have to use the back 
> arrow. I think that's when it drops the connection. Don't know what, if 
> any, bearing that has on my problem.
> Anyone have any ideas?

I have seen this on a router - failure to connect with encryption active 
- at a site I was visiting. The laptop was a dual boot, and it worked 
fine from Windows. We swapped the router, and all was fine.

The symptoms were the same. Could see the network, could get an address, 
but couldn't route.


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